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The No BS Work Life Balance Workshop! 

How to Boost Profits & Reignite Your Entrepreneurial Fire WHILE Banishing Any Side Effects from Burnout!

  • Boost Profits: Learn my Profit Optimization Framework that turns your 6-Figure Business into one that pays you a living wage!
  • Reignite Your Entrepreneurial Fire: Reconnect with the joy and excitement that drove you to start your business (and discover how to build the life you envisioned)
  • Banish Burnout: Stop working 7 days week... Answering client calls at night, checking emails on weekends & dealing with issues before breakfast!

FREE Workshop - Watch Instantly

CLICK HERE For Instant Access

How to Boost Profits & Reignite Your Entrepreneurial Fire WHILE Banishing Any Side Effects from Burnout!

  • Boost Profits: Learn my Profit Optimization Framework that turns your 6-Figure Business into one that pays you a living wage!
  • Reignite Your Entrepreneurial Fire: Reconnect with the joy and excitement that drove you to start your business (and discover how to build the life you envisioned)
  • Banish Burnout: Stop working 7 days week... Answering client calls at night, checking emails on weekends & dealing with issues before breakfast!

FREE Workshop - Watch Instantly

CLICK HERE For Instant Access to The No BS Work-Life Balance Workshop!

You need this workshop if...  


  • Been stuck at your current revenue level for 90 days with no movement (and have tried everything!)
  • Struggled to check off your entire to-do list and you go to bed (multiple nights a week) feeling unaccomplished!
  • Been filling product orders on nights & weekends, missing family time due to business delivery constraints, or responding to texts on vacations!
  • Struggled to pay your personal bills or save for your retirement in 2024 after business expenses have been paid!
  • Been building your business all alone and know you need a team member to help but don't know where to start!

What will you discover during the workshop?

The 3 Solutions to the Most Common Mistakes I See Women Making in Their Business:

Mistake #1

Mirroring a Guru's Success Strategy

Why the strategies you've been trying aren't working the way you want them to!

Discover the unique formula you can implement today to start seeing real growth and results immediately!

Mistake #2 

Being Brainwashed By A Boomer

Why hustle mode doesn't work to grow your business and what to do instead!

Our parents taught us that hard work is the key to success! Hard work alone won't scale a 6-Figure+ business. Discover a smarter strategy for sustainable growth!

Mistake #3

Wearing Your Busy-Bee Badge 

The secret to scaling without doing it all yourself!

You’re incredible for trying to do it all, but true growth requires support. Discover how to scale efficiently without carrying the entire load alone.


Here's What Other's Have to Say...

From building a 7 figure business, to implementing systems that enabled Sailynn to work less and make more, to living a dream life on the beaches of sunny Florida! You literally get to peek inside her head with this course and learn EXACTLY how she did it! I have witnessed first hand Sailynn's natural ability to meet you were you are and give you the exact tools and guidance you need to thrive. I highly recommend this course.

- Jonelle Elizabeth, Caregiver Support Educator

Sailynn provides simple to follow instructions and great tips that make it easy to re-evaluate your business to better focus on what really matters. I truly feel like your coaching is helping me get better organized and focused than I have been in a long time. I am so excited to see the progress finally happening!!!!

- Jill VanderYacht, Career Coach

It's one thing to know how to build a business... it's a completely different thing to know how to build one that gives you MORE freedom as it grows. Sailynn takes the strategies and systems she used to run a 3 million a year business in just 16 hours a week and weaves them into everything she teaches for today's modern business owner. If you ever have a chance to plug in to what she's doing, don't hesitate!

- Jordan Maylea, Online Marketing Coach

who am i?

I'm Sailynn, Your FUN Business Coach!

(Formerly) A Burnt Out Business Owner!

I have had one goal my whole life...To have the FREEDOM to do: 1) What I Want 2) When I Want and 3) From Where I Want!

That goal motivated me to build a business that allowed me to retire before age 40, travel the world, and be present for family and friends! But it hasn’t always been this way...

I started my entrepreneurial journey in 2007 with a dream to reclaim control over my time and financial future. Just 3 years into business, I broke the million-dollar level but it was requiring me to work 80+ hour weeks and be on-call 24/7. I was burnt out, stressed beyond belief, and FRUSTRATED I could not figure out how to work less & grow my business!

Meeting with a business coach shifted my perspective, systems, and business model! And I am very proud to say I achieved my goal of total freedom and I am now living the life I had dreamt about!

For the past 10 years, women have asked me "how I did it" and now I’m so excited to share my unique blueprint that allowed me to go from 80+ to just 16 hours weekly, triple my business revenue and 4X my personal paycheck with you inside this free workshop!

Watch it today so you can achieve your dream life too!

See you there!


Empowering women entrepreneurs to banish burnout & boost profits so you can enjoy a healthy work life balance in just 90 days!

can't wait to share this with you!

Enter Your Name & Email to Watch: The No BS Work Life Balance Workshop! 

Set your business up to scale with ease so you can live your one life!