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Business Success Requires Authenticity!

authenticity business building tips social media Jul 26, 2022
Business Success Requires Authenticity!

Will the real YOU please stand up?

Are you the same person online as you are in real life?

I am not talking about when you do a live video, which we all know when you go live, you should be happier, more excitable and engaging to increase views!

I am talking about the real you, you know the one that lives her day-to-day life!

When I started my online business back in 2016, my business coach said I needed to go live on social media weekly to sell clothes from my boutique!

Prior to 2016, I think I may have posted ten times on social media in those 6 years I had been on Facebook!  I just did not get it, and now this coach wanted me to go live and sell clothes and “Oh and Sailynn, if you can try them on live, that will really help!”

Huh!  I was so lost!  But as always willing to try anything if it meant having a successful business!  So, I did it!  While I did love going live, I hated the photoshoots of having a boutique!  I am was not meant to be a model, hence why I never walked down that runway when I was like 5 years old lol That’s a story for another day!

Today I am sharing with you my tried and tested tips for being authentic on social media so you can build the wealth you desire!

Each week I empower you with training and a free resource, based on successful strategies that I have used in one of my businesses!  I share my journey with you to help you fast track your growth without all the headaches! This week you can watch on demand my free training - The Legacy Business Blueprint Masterclass.  This training gives you The 3 Secrets (They Don’t Teach in Business School) You Must Master NOW If You Want to Build a Profitable Business While Still Having a Life!  Click below, to stream it your preferred device today!

Why does social media cause us to act weird?  It’s like suddenly, we become another persona and lose our true selves!

I was never a person to compare and shove my life down others’ throats, but for some reason, I turned into that crazy person when I started my online skincare business.  This is something I get reminded of daily in my Facebook memories, ugh!

It’s like we want to show how good are lives are when let’s face it none of us are perfect and live pretty and pink lives where there are rainbows and unicorns stopping by daily!

So how do we show our true selves BUT make them intriguing enough for others to enjoy and follow along?

Good question!

Here is what I did to get back to my authentic self:

First, I stopped thinking that all my pictures had to look like those perfect Instagram feeds from 2016.  There is a difference between a clean background aka no clothes on the floor, food on the counter, and chaos VS a staged background where you think their house looks like a Pottery Barn catalog!  Let’s face it, not every day is spotless in your house, and that’s okay!  Just make sure there is nothing in the background that is distracting your community from your valuable message!

Second, I learned to love my blond almost clear brows enough to post pictures without makeup!  If you have ever traveled with me, then you know that my eyebrows are seriously so blond they are like invisible without shading them.  This has been a pain point since high school when a boy I liked asked what was wrong with them?  When I got on social media, I felt washed out without my brows on, so I never posted a picture without them shaded in.  I learned though that if I wanted to talk about morning routines when I was doing my morning routine, that I needed to show a picture of my real life which is me in PJs, no makeup and glasses!

And third, I embraced the quirky, crazy side of Sailynn!  I am a redhead, only child, and born leader so that makes me bold, outspoken, and rarely sympathetic but that’s okay!  I have a quirky personality that is a mix of cat like introvertedness where all I want to do is be alone, sleep and eat mixed with a powerhouse networker who can work a room like a boss and run a business like a badass extrovert!  What I do know is I am a work in progress and while I am working on myself, I am embracing my unique self and living my life on my terms!

No matter who you are and what makes you, YOU, please know, people will love you if they trust you and can relate in some way!

In Summary, If you are a women entrepreneur, who is struggling to build their brand and business on social media, take these 3 tips and make them your own!  You are special, amazing and I can guarantee have so much value to share with the world.  So, embrace your true self on social media so you can build a business that you are not only proud of, but that also supports your dream lifestyle!

I invite you to join me for my free masterclass training - The Legacy Business Blueprint! These 3 secrets are the things they don’t teach in business school, or it seems online lately, so it’s a must watch if you want to have a business that supports your dream lifestyle and make a profit!  Click to watch on demand! 

And that’s a wrap on this week’s episode! Remember to live this one life you were given!

Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!

xoxo Sailynn...

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