Toss Your Daily ToDo List (to Work Less & Make More)
Sep 17, 2024
You are in the right place if you’re a woman entrepreneur who feels exhausted even before getting out of bed each morning, your family, friends & team are backing off because your crankiness has hit an all-time high, and no matter what time management hack you try, your efficiency seems non-existent these days!
All you want to do daily is check the tasks off your to-do list, so you can go home, put your feet up, and do some mindless social media scrolling or Netflix binging because your brain is too tired for much else.
Have you ever wondered why focusing on checking off your to-do list daily, is not making you feel energized, happy and organized?
Here’s the thing… to-do lists help us recognize accomplishments and gain a sense of satisfaction and motivation by crossing off completed tasks from a written list. Research shows this simple act releases dopamine! And when our brain releases dopamine it causes positive feelings such as happiness, pleasure and motivation.
But have you ever asked yourself why those positive feelings are short lived…
It’s because no matter how many tasks you check off daily, you are continually faced with challenges you can’t ever seem to find a solution to… like your stagnant revenue for 90+ days, a support team that does not feel very supportive, and clients who continually push your boundaries.
And this cycle continues because you are stuck on the Hamster Hustle Wheel, where you might not realize that the root cause of these short-lived positive feelings is happening because you’re in the early stages of burnout in your business!
So, stay tuned because today I am teaching you how to banish your burnout and become more balanced in your life & business so you can grow your business with ease.
Hey there, I’m Sailynn, Your FUN Business Coach, and I mentor women entrepreneurs from burned out to balance in 90 days with my unique blueprint that allowed me to go from working 80+ hour weeks to just 16 while tripling my business revenue and 4X my personal paycheck!
When most women entrepreneurs start to feel the signs of burnout, they think establishing boundaries, practicing self-care, and getting together with their girlfriends for happy hour will fix the problem but unfortunately those are just band-aids!
If you continue to put band-aids on your burnout, then you will continue to feel anxiety, depression, and exhaustion because you’re not fixing the root cause of your burnout!
Now there are 4 foundational pillars to shifting from burned out to balanced inside my signature Legacy Business School program, but today I am going to share the one that will allow you to grow your business while reclaiming control over your time so you can start to heal!
The pillar that made the most impact in allowing me to reduce my hours by 80% was having a support team that did not need to be micromanaged daily nor bombard me with questions to complete their jobs!
Most women entrepreneurs work in a reactive manner to hiring! Your business has a growth spurt, so you desperately look for someone to help you, magically someone appears, and so you hire them.
There are so many problems with this but the top ones I see are, you hire someone in desperation which is never a good situation to be in because you are not in control, the person who magically appears was really just a breathing human and not necessarily who you really needed, and you hire them without onboarding them correctly so they struggle to meet your expectations.
I have taken EVERYTHING I learned from my highly experienced Human Resources Team, that screened 15,000+ applicants, interviewed over 7,000 candidates & hired almost 2,000 team members, that enabled us to become a coveted employer of over 150+ dedicated team members with an 82% RETENTION RATE (which was unheard of for the industry!) and I have broken it down into my 3-Part Hiring Framework.
No matter whether you have a team already or are new to this whole process, this video is for you!
Part One is Recruitment!
If you want to attract dream team members or build loyalty and dedication inside your current team, this part is key!
During the recruitment part of the hiring framework, you want to have these 3 pieces: 1) Your Business Mission Statement. This is going to help your current and future team know exactly what your goal is with your business. Who you help and how you help them. 2) Create a Job Description. Your team needs to know what is required of them so they can meet your expectations, that is why having a clear but concise job description is vital. 3) Develop an Organizational Chart. Having a guide to future forecast your team’s growth is not only essential for your business but it also shows your team there is room for their personal growth within the company!
Now that you understand how important the pre-work is before actually hiring someone, you can start to implement this into your business now and once done use it to recruit a new team member or use it to build trust with your current team! If you need help with Part One, I have it all laid out in The Legacy Business School.
Part Two is Hire!
Most women entrepreneurs hire the first applicant who magically shows up in their inbox because they think it’s a sign. And they very well might be the right person for the job, but you won’t know that until you do your due diligence. The women entrepreneurs who skip this step are the ones who must micromanage their team daily to ensure the work is getting done, struggle to keep their team busy, or their new hires don’t even show up on day one!
If you continue to hire the first breathing human who says, “Are you hiring?” You will continue to spend your days fixing your teams work, wondering why they can’t figure it out on their own, and frustrated that you have to keep working in your business because no one ever shows up!
Again, I go over the pieces to this part in step-by-step detail inside my signature program The Legacy Business School, but today I am going to review them, so you can get started! While this step is mainly for entrepreneurs who don’t have a team yet, you can also use this with current team members, so keep watching!
In Part Two, Hire there are 3 pieces: 1) Create an Ad! You want to create a catchy ad that hooks the reader but also clearly states what you are looking for. If the job requires certain expertise, say that in the description. This will weed out more women than men though, because men tend to apply anyways! 2) Conduct an Interview! I suggest a 3-step interview process because this has saved my butt from so many bad hires. Anyone can do one interview, but if they can make it through 3 and still impress you, they are a great candidate! 3) Make the Offer! You want the offer to be very clear so the candidate knows what they are agreeing to so there will be no discrepancies in the future.
Now that you understand the 3 pieces to Hiring. You should absolutely use all 3 when hiring someone new for your team, but you can also use portions of this part for your current team. Having an open discussion with them about what you originally wanted them to accomplish, reviewing their skill set to ensure you know all their skills and reviewing their job agreement (it’s now an agreement since they are already onboard) is a great conversation so you can ensure they are fully utilized in your business and potentially uncover anything they might be able to do for you!
I have templates for your ad and interview questions all laid out for you inside my signature program The Legacy Business School if you want more in-depth help!
Finally, Part Three is Onboard!
If you have a current support team who don’t feel really supportive, this part is for you, so listen up! So many women think the hiring process is over once the candidate accepts the job, but that truly is just the beginning of their next journey with you. I have seen so many women struggle with an onslaught of questions in their slack channels, completed work that does not meet their standards, and a revolving door of team members because they skip this part!
This means late nights answering questions from the team, fixing their completed work before sending it to clients or customers, and getting a reputation in your industry as someone who can’t seem to retain a team! Not fun or any good!
Again there are 3 pieces in Part Three, Onboarding, which I go into more in-depth inside my signature program The Legacy Business School, because I want to help you retain the person you spent so much time recruiting and hiring!
1) Review Your Business Mission, Vision & Values! Your new or current team member will become a brand advocate for your business when you clearly explain this to them. They want to love where they work and share it with the world so empower them with this information! 2) Establish a Training Plan! I truly believe it takes someone 90 days to figure out their job duties and another 90 days to figure out how they fit into the company cohesively, so the first 6 months is huge! Make sure you have a well-established training plan to onboard them successfully so they can do their job! 3) Schedule a 90-Day Review! Your team members won’t know whether they are meeting your expectations unless you tell them. Scheduling their 90-day review on day one is a great practice so they know it’s coming and can prepare.
Now that you understand that Onboarding is the key to team member retention, I want you to use this with all new team members but also take the time now with current team members to review what you might have skipped. Slowing down for a couple weeks to share with them your business mission, vision & values, systems, and tools, will allow you to reclaim your time long term so you can shift away from the burnout!
I was very lucky to have a highly skilled Human Resources Department who knew the importance of this 3-Part Hiring Framework, but I know that not every entrepreneur has this same opportunity. That is why inside my signature program, The Legacy Business School, I have videos, guides, templates, basically everything you need to successfully build a new team or revamp your current team. By doing so, this will be a HUGE step to helping you heal from the frustration, fatigue and lack of motivation that comes from being burned out from your business.
If you truly want to shift from burned out to balanced, and do so in just 90 days, click here to learn more about The Legacy Business School.
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