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7 Time Management Strategies for Busy Entrepreneurs

business planning time time management weekly planning Jun 20, 2023
7 Time Management Strategies for Busy Entrepreneurs

Are you a busy woman entrepreneur struggling to find enough hours in the day?

Guaranteed you have a lot on your plate! You're juggling business tasks, personal responsibilities, and maybe even raising a family.

With so much going on, it can be challenging to find enough time in the day to accomplish everything you need to do.

That's why today, we're going to explore some 7 of the top time management strategies that can help you be more productive and achieve your goals, even with a busy schedule.

By implementing these strategies I have for you today, you'll be able to prioritize your tasks, plan ahead, and stay organized, allowing you to make the most of your time and achieve success as a busy woman entrepreneur.

So if you're ready to take control of your schedule and maximize your productivity, let's get started!

#1 - Prioritize Your Tasks

Identify the most important tasks that require your immediate attention and focus on completing them first. This can help you stay organized and prevent feeling overwhelmed.

Let's say you run an e-commerce business and you have a list of tasks to complete for the day. Your tasks might include:

  • Responding to customer inquiries
  • Updating your website with new products
  • Writing a blog post
  • Reviewing your sales data
  • Creating a social media post

To prioritize your tasks, you should first identify the most important tasks that require your immediate attention. In this case, you might prioritize responding to customer inquiries and updating your website with new products. These tasks are crucial to the success of your business and require your immediate attention.

Once you've prioritized these tasks, you can then focus on completing them first before moving on to the other tasks on your list. This can help you stay organized and prevent feeling overwhelmed, as you'll be able to focus on the most important tasks first.

By prioritizing your tasks, you'll be able to stay on top of your to-do list, meet your deadlines, and achieve your goals.

#2 - Plan Ahead

Set aside time each day or week to plan your schedule and prioritize your tasks. This can help you stay on track and make the most of your time.

Let's say you're a freelance graphic designer with multiple clients and projects to work on. To stay on track and make the most of your time, you decide to set aside time each day to plan your schedule and prioritize your tasks.

At the beginning of each day, you spend 15-30 minutes reviewing your schedule and to-do list for the day. The best time to do this is right after your morning routine. You prioritize your tasks based on their deadlines, importance, and urgency. You also schedule in time for any meetings or phone calls you have scheduled for the day.

At the end of each day, you take a few minutes to review what you accomplished, what tasks you didn't get to, and what tasks need to be prioritized for the next day. You also update your to-do list and schedule for the next day.

Then every single Sunday, you spend 15 minutes reviewing your schedule and to-do list for the week. You prioritize your tasks based on their deadlines, importance, and urgency for the week. You also schedule in time for any meetings or phone calls you have scheduled for the week.

By setting aside time each day and week to plan your schedule and prioritize your tasks, you can stay on track, make the most of your time, and ensure that you're meeting your deadlines and achieving your goals as a busy woman entrepreneur.

If you want a deeper dive on this topic, check out this video HERE

#3 - Use Technology

There are many tools and apps available that can help you manage your time more efficiently. Use tools like calendars, project management software, and time tracking apps to help you stay organized.

Let's say you're a freelance writer with multiple clients and projects to work on. To stay organized and manage your time more efficiently, you decide to use time management tools and apps.

First, you start by using a digital calendar, such as Google Calendar which is my favorite, to keep track of your appointments, deadlines, and other important dates. You schedule in your work hours, breaks, and any other commitments you have for the day.

Next, you use a project management tool, such as Trello or Asana, to manage your writing projects. You create a board for each client, and within each board, you create cards for each project. You list the tasks required for each project on the cards and move them along the board as you complete them.

You also use a time tracking app, such as Toggl or RescueTime, to track the time you spend on each project. This helps you to stay focused and avoid distractions, as well as accurately bill your clients for your time.

Finally, you use tools like Grammarly and Hemingway to help you write more efficiently and effectively. These tools can help you catch errors, improve your writing style, and save you time in the editing process.

By using time management tools and apps, you can stay organized, manage your time more efficiently, and ensure that you're meeting your deadlines and achieving your goals as a busy woman entrepreneur. 

If you are loving these examples of time management techniques, comment KEEP GOING in the comments!

 #4 - Delegate Tasks

You don't have to do everything yourself. Consider delegating tasks to others on your team or outsourcing certain tasks to freelancers or contractors.

Let's say you're a small business owner running an online store. You have multiple tasks to complete each day, including managing your website, handling customer inquiries, processing orders, and marketing your business. To manage your workload more effectively, you decide to delegate some tasks to others on your team or outsource certain tasks to freelancers or contractors.

First, you identify the tasks that could be delegated or outsourced. For example, you might decide to delegate customer inquiries to a customer service representative, outsource your website design to a freelance web developer, or hire a marketing agency to handle your social media marketing.

Next, you identify the individuals or companies that could handle these tasks. For example, you might choose to hire a virtual assistant to manage your customer inquiries, search for freelance web developers on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, or ask for recommendations from other business owners for a marketing agency.

Once you've identified who will handle these tasks, you communicate your expectations clearly and provide any necessary training or resources to ensure that they can complete the tasks successfully.

By delegating tasks, you can focus on the tasks that require your expertise and attention, while others on your team or freelancers handle other tasks. This can help you save time, reduce your workload, and achieve your business goals as a busy woman entrepreneur.

#5 - Take Breaks

Taking regular breaks can help you avoid burnout and stay energized throughout the day. Use your breaks to do something that relaxes you, like taking a walk or doing a quick meditation.

Let's say you're a marketing consultant with a packed schedule, working on multiple projects for different clients. To avoid burnout and stay energized throughout the day, you decide to take regular breaks and use them to do something that relaxes you.

You start by scheduling in short breaks throughout the day, such as a 10-15 minute break every 90 minutes. During your breaks, you step away from your computer and do something that relaxes you, such as taking a walk, doing a quick meditation, or simply stretching.

If you have a busy day ahead, you might decide to start your day with a longer break, such as a 30-minute yoga session or a morning walk to clear your mind and set a positive tone for the day.

You also prioritize your lunch break as a time to fully disconnect and recharge. You might choose to take a longer lunch break, such as an hour, and use this time to eat a healthy meal, read a book, or simply relax.

By taking breaks throughout the day, you can avoid burnout, stay energized, and be more productive overall. You'll also feel more focused and present during your work hours, which can help you deliver higher quality work and achieve your goals.

#6 - Set Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries around your work time and personal time. Avoid checking work emails or taking work calls during your personal time, and vice versa.

Let's say you're a freelance writer working from home. With the lines between work and personal life often blurred, you decide to establish clear boundaries around your work time and personal time to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

You start by setting specific work hours for yourself, such as 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday. During these hours, you focus solely on work-related tasks, such as writing, editing, and communicating with clients.

Outside of your work hours, you avoid checking work emails or taking work calls, so that you can spend quality time with your family, pursue hobbies, or simply relax.

To communicate your boundaries clearly, you might set up an autoresponder for your work email outside of your work hours, indicating when you will be available to respond. You might also communicate your boundaries to your clients and colleagues, letting them know when you are available and when you are not.

By setting boundaries, you can prevent work from encroaching on your personal time, reduce stress and burnout, and enjoy a more balanced life.

#7 - Learn to Say No

It's important to prioritize your time and focus on what's most important. Don't be afraid to say no to requests or opportunities that don't align with your goals or values.

Let's say you run a small business selling handmade jewelry. You're passionate about your work and constantly receive requests for custom orders, collaborations, and pop-up shops. While it's tempting to say yes to every opportunity that comes your way, you know that it's important to prioritize your time and focus on what's most important.

To learn to say no, you start by setting clear goals and values for your business. You identify your target market, your core values, and your long-term vision for the business. With these in mind, you're able to evaluate requests and opportunities based on whether they align with your goals and values.

When you receive a request that doesn't align with your goals or values, you don't hesitate to say no. You respond politely and professionally, thanking the person for their interest but explaining that it's not a good fit for your business at this time.

By learning to say no, you can avoid spreading yourself too thin, focus on what's most important, and make progress towards your long-term goals.

 In Summary,

Time management is a critical skill for busy women entrepreneurs who juggle multiple responsibilities and wear many hats in their businesses. By implementing strategies such as prioritizing tasks, planning and scheduling, using tools and apps, delegating tasks, taking breaks, setting boundaries, and learning to say no, women entrepreneurs can stay organized, reduce stress, and achieve their goals more efficiently.

It's important to remember that time management is a continuous process that requires practice, reflection, and adjustment over time. By prioritizing your time and focusing on what's most important, you can build a successful business while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

As always, I like to share with you what has worked best for me on my 16+ year entrepreneurial journey, so this week’s FREE resource is The Legacy Business Blueprint Masterclass! 

During this free class, I am sharing with you The 3 Mistakes Growing Entrepreneurs Can’t Afford To Make If You Want To Scale Your Profit Without Increasing Your Hours!

This is the exact strategy I used to shift from 80+ hour work weeks to building a multi-million-dollar business in just 16 hours weekly! It’s your time to earn more and work less! You deserve this!

And I don’t want you to have to check your calendar and then wait for some scheduled presentation to get this transformative info, so I made it available for you to stream on-demand right now at and I have linked it below:

And that’s a wrap on this week’s episode! Remember to live this one life you were given!

Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!

xoxo Sailynn...

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Discover the 3 Mistakes Driven Entrepreneurs Can't Afford to Make If You Want to Scale Your Profit WITHOUT Increasing Your Hours
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