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Simplify Your Life & Business for Success

abundance assessing your business blog blog post boundaries business building tips delegate dream big find your passion how to say no without feeling guilty! love the life you live simplify your life & business for success the roadmap freebie Apr 19, 2022
Simplify Your Life & Business for Success

Be honest, do you live simply or is your life and business filled with a lot of stuff?

One of the HUGE lessons I have learned in life and business, is to simplify things as much as possible!  You want to do this for 2 reasons: 1) to have more time and 2) to have more energy!

Before I started my business, I was living paycheck to paycheck and not really getting ahead at all!  When I began making money in my business around year 3 and was able to pay myself low six figures, I started buying the things that I had not been able to for so many years.

Things like better suits, shoes, pocketbooks, jewelry, knickknacks for my house and the list kept going!  The same thing happened in my business, when we began to be more profitable, I was investing the money in upgrading furniture, technology, and our office space.

However, I was not personally feeling any better and my business was not producing any better results.

Why was that?  Good question!  That’s why today I am sharing with you why simplifying might be what you have been searching for in your life and business!

Each week I empower you with training and a free resource, based on successful strategies that I have used in one of my businesses!  I share my journey with you to help you fast track your growth without all the headaches! This week I am sharing my brand new free guide, The Roadmap to Running a Business That Doesn’t Run You! - 3 Essential Steps I Missed (That You Don’t Want To Miss) in Building a Million Dollar Business! You can download this freebieπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

When I use the word simplify, what does that mean to you?

For some people it means cutting back, going without, or even the extreme of living in a hut!  But for others it translates to buying what you need, not what you think is going to make you happy!

When you simplify your life, you intentionally take the steps needed to remove the clutter, excess, and busyness that is distracting you in life!  And it’s the same in business!

So many of the women I speak with complain they are so busy and have no time to do what they really want.  When I challenge them about that “busyness” and whether it’s on things that are serving them, their response is normally, of course it is!

But if we take the conversation to the next level and dig deeper, the busyness is usually not from things that they absolutely need to do!

So how do we make this shift?

It’s simple! We assess!

As a women entrepreneur, I am sure you have a lot of things on your many plates that you are trying to balance. What if we removed some of those things and even some of those plates, would that help?

If you said yes, then keep listening!

There are 3 things you need to do to simplify your life and business:

  1. We must start at the beginning and figure out exactly what you want! This is an exercise that I teach in The Magical Morning Routine Mini-Course to help entrepreneurs develop a morning routine.  To put it simply, if you do not know what you ultimately want, then you are probably saying yes to everything hoping to figure it out. Which is not a bad thing but can be overwhelming if you let it get out of control!  I will put the link to the course HERE, if you want to dive deeper into this. But for now, take some time to write down what your dream day would look like if you could have everything you have ever wanted!
  2. Once you know what you want, you need to use that vision as your beacon when asked to do something! Every single time someone emails, messages, or asks you in person to do something (and I mean anything), it is your job to review your vision, determine if the request aligns with your vision, and if so, say yes and if not, say no!  This is going to allow you time in your schedule for only the items that are going to move you closer to where you want to be in that dream life!
  3. Finally, once you are gaining more time from saying no, you need to assess and eliminate all the other things in your life that keep you stuck! These could be physical items that have been hanging around your house or office, you planned on donating but have not gotten to. It could be the tasks you execute in your life and business daily, how can you make them easier and quicker.  Or it could even be people in your life or business that are draining your mental energy that you need to let go of.

When I sold it all back in 2017, meaning the business, the house and the car and moved into my 400 sq ft RV with my boyfriend, that was the best decision I ever made.  I literally had to go through every single item in my house and decide was it important enough to bring or was it being donated.  And I did the same thing in my new business too, there was no longer a big desk where I could showcase my awards, trinkets, and pictures. It all had to go except my laptop, printer, and monitor!

It’s almost been 5 years since I made this move and I can tell you not only do I feel amazingly free from stuff and the weight of so much on my shoulders, I also have not missed anything I donated!

I truly learned that “stuff” does not make you happy, only you can make yourself happy!

In summary, if you are feeling weighed down at all in your life or business, I want to challenge you to try that 3-step process I mentioned!  Take it from someone who has lightened the load by tons physically and mentally, it was worth doing the work!  Living a simplified life and running a simplified business will allow you to do more of what brings you joy in your life!  And isn’t that why we are working so hard!

Again I have empowered you with my free guide The Roadmap to Running a Business That Doesn’t Run You! – These are the 3 Essential Steps I Missed in Building a Million Dollar Business and believe me, you do not want to miss these on your entrepreneurial journey! You can download this free resource πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

And remember to live this one life you were given!

Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!

xoxo Sailynn...

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