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Do You Find Happiness or Create It?

2022 goals authenticity blog business coaches do something fun daily empowerment find your passion happiness how to figure out life millionaire's morning routine freebie self care Apr 05, 2022
Do You Find Happiness or Create It?

Ultimately, we are the ones responsible for our own happiness!

I have become addicted to Yoga with Adriene and during one of her recent episodes she said exactly that!

Let me backtrack just a bit, for many years I have gotten up and gone for 3-5 mile walk along the beach here, while listening to a podcast, webinar, book etc.  And it totally worked for me for many years, but something shifted in 2021 and I knew I needed to change things up!

So, when I headed back home to MA in July 2021, I bought a yoga mat and started her 30-day yoga challenge from 2015!  When I returned home, I just kept it up and the reason was because it seemed like each day whatever message she was talking about just spoke to me!

In the 8 months I have been doing yoga consistently with her channel, I have shifted my mind, body and soul so much that I now feel the most alive and well balanced than I have in my 15-year entrepreneurial journey!

And today that is why I am sharing this mantra with you, and we are talking all about why we are personally responsible for finding our own happiness!

Each week I empower you with training and a free resource, based on successful strategies that I have used in one of my businesses!  I share my journey with you to help you fast track your growth without all the headaches! This week I am sharing my free guide, The Millionaire’s Morning Routine!  When I implemented these 7 daily habits for 90 days straight, my business revenue doubled, and I began to work way less stressed!  You can grab this free resource below!

I Googled “what is the definition of true happiness” and this is what came up “Happiness is that feeling that comes over you when you know life is good and you can't help but smile.”

But when I kept reading this paragraph really hit it on the nose for me “Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness. The "pursuit of happiness" is something this country is based on, and different people feel happiness for different reasons. Whenever doing something causes happiness, people usually want to do more of it. No one ever complained about feeling too much happiness.”

WOW!  How does that make you feel?

If you knew that no one nor no thing is responsible for your happiness, and it was all on you, would you work daily to find it?

Overall, 98% of the time I am a happy individual!  Of course, there are days, I am moody or cranky, but overall, I am happy and positive!

Recently though I have been struggling with loneliness because moving to a new state, starting a new online business, losing my dad, and the covid shutdown kind of changed everything for me!  I felt I was in a rut and needed to get out and quick before I lost my daily happiness!

So, I made a promise to myself and my accountability partner to find my happiness each day and that is how #DoSomethingFunDaily came about. If you missed this episode, you can watch it here!

Ever since I started implementing simple changes and owning that my true happiness was my responsibility, I have felt 100% better!  So, I am sharing 13 simple ways to find happiness that I hope will help you too!

  1. Surround yourself with people who bring you joy! We become the average of the 5 closest people in our lives!
  2. Stick to your own personal mantra, mission, or values! This will keep you centered!
  3. Practice gratitude daily! I am sure there are lots of things in your life you can find joy in!
  4. Remember the cup is half full! When you have a positive outlook, you will bring more positivity into your life!
  5. #DoSomethingFunDaily that you love! What is one thing you love to do? How can you do it daily to spark joy in your life?
  6. Find your purpose in life! Volunteer or find a cause bigger than you that you can be a part of!
  7. You and only you are responsible for your growth! What can you do to expand your mind?
  8. Embrace change! Retrain your brain to be open to changes in life!  You never know what might come from this!
  9. Enjoy the simple things in life! Sunshine, birds chirping, a beautiful flower!  Look for these things in your day and acknowledge them!
  10. Ditch the “I’ll be happy when…”. Be happy now with what you have and more will come!
  11. Be present with whoever you are with! Put down your phone, turn away from your computer, shut off the TV and listen!
  12. Be social! This was the one I needed to work on!  No matter if you are an introvert, it’s time for some face-to-face interaction!  Ask a friend to meet you for coffee this week!
  13. Stop comparing your journey to others! Be grateful for where you are, what you have learned, and plan for where you want to be in the future!

No matter where you are on the happiness scale, it’s time to recognize it, decide if that is where you want to stay, and if not do something about it!

As an entrepreneur, I know that you can find true happiness because you are resourceful, smart, and willing to do the hard work to accomplish your goals!

In summary, no matter how successful you are in business, happiness is sometimes something we as entrepreneurs struggle with!  It’s time to ditch the “I’ll be happy when…” and start living today and celebrating all the hard work you have already accomplished in life and business!  Remember tomorrow is not guaranteed and so its key to start living for today!  Join my movement to #DoSomethingFunDaily and share it with your network to keep spreading joy and inspiring others to do the same!

Again I have empowered you with my free guide The Millionaire’s Morning Routine which will help you eliminate exhaustion, build confidence to say no when needed, and gain clarity for business decisions so you can work at your peak performance daily! You can download this free resource below!

And don’t forget to live this one life you were given!

Life is a Journey and I am so glad you are on it with me!

xoxo Sailynn...

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